09 February 2007

EPISODE ONZE : l'amour, la mort

OUTSIDE another cultural icon is gone. and whatever may be, i didn't hate her and she lived life. ANNA NICOLE SMITH had her moment and her death is tragic. here is a mock of her tv show, that is one of her higher moments...

in other news, Italy has now joined the loving ranks of Canada, Spain, South Africa, Belgium, the UK and some others, becoming that much closer to allowing same-sex marriages. this US of mine can really get frustrating at times. grrr... much like my beloved NYC when they arrest protestors and forget our favoured civil rights. pffft!

GREY'S ANATOMY playing phone/email tag with the british actuary is leaving me really frustrated. i've almost concluded which school i will attend but i just want his thoughts to... i guess comfort me and support my decision. alas, it is MY decision. and i'll be filing my income taxes this weekend, which then means, pick a school and apply for FAFSA and the money hunt begins. argh... but work work is going quite well. i'm learning, which is always the best... my sad note is not only anna died yesterday, but my uncle as well. he was deteriorating, and it's good that he has no more pain. i love him and my aunt and will be flying back to miami this weekend to spend my birthday at his funeral. if i believed in symbolism, i might see something in that...

MILE HIGH so the more interesting bits lately have been that THE PRINCESS and THE ROCKER where in town to celebrate THE ROCKER's birthday last weekend. L-O-V-E them! it was a crazy weekend and many fabulous events. THE PRINCESS is definitely one of the most special people i've had in my life and playing host to them was an honor for me... speaking of loved ones even more, SOCO is leaving, like most of those i get close to, he is running away. seriously, it's for the best because this is a great career move for him. so we are down to our last two weeks... deux semaines... what is a girl to do?! :( on the emotional front, as you can see there's a lot. aging, death, lost loves, including the fact that my birthday is also the would-be anniversary with mon ex-copain... which will wonderfully be quickly followed by valentine's day. which i'm not a fan of, and last year was the first year it was ever significant for me. i've moved on a lot and grown a lot. LOADS. but there is still pain. and more importantly, love...

MEDLEY so... music music music... much like NSYNC, there is a new guilty pop sin for me. SUGABABES have combined with the powers of GIRLS ALOUD and covered the song WALK THIS WAY for charity. dear god it's awful. and i fucking love it! at least right now. it's camptastic fun and truthfully if you LOVE... and i do mean LOVE pop music. you cannot help but like this song no matter how awful it is. you have to at least bare through to the middle of the video where the have a fucking WALK OFF!!! nothing like dual runway walk off. BRING IT!

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