03 November 2007


Taken a picture completely naked?
um, yeah! why am i single?

Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page?
don't do myfacespacebook-ster

Danced in front of your mirror naked?
always before i go out

Told a lie?
define lie...

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
every day. why am i single?!

Been arrested?
not that i can recall

Made out with someone of the same sex?
every day

Seen someone die?
only in movies and on the tele

Slept in until 5pm?
perhaps when i was a youngin

Had sex at work?
define sex...

Fallen asleep at work/school?
yup yup yup

Held a snake?
oh dear yes and i can't remember why

Ran a red light?
define ran...

Been suspended from school?
actually no, i was such a nerd

Totaled your car in an accident?
i think you mean accidentS

Pole danced?
every night! hellooo, i lived in new york

hells no and i'm so proud of cinammon!!!! he hasn't in like 2 years!!!!!

Been fired from a job?
not that i can recall

Sang karaoke?
hells no

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
every day

Laughed until a drink came out your nose?
no, what kind of a question is that?

Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
yup yup yup, yummy

Kissed in the rain?
oh i did more than just kiss

Sang in the shower?
what else does one do in a shower? seriously

Given your private parts a nickname?
um, no

Ever gone out without underwear?
oh yeah, it's nice, i quite like it

Sat on a roof top?
again, lived in new york, i've done more than just sit

Played chicken?
hells fuck no

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
bitch please, not since i was 8 or 9

Broken a bone?
my left upper arm right before my summer of being 17, fabulous

Mooned/flashed someone?
i don't think so, but honestly i can't recall

Shaved your head?
every 3-4 days

Slept naked?
um, every nite, i don't like pajamas

Played a prank on someone?
it's been awhile...

Had a gym membership?

Felt like killing someone?
i'm not a violent person

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
yes, when i broke up with one,
and when another broke up with me, i made him cry

Cried over someone you were in love with?
see above, both times

Had sex more than 10 times in one day?
the record to date is 7, but it's good to have goals!

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?
as if

Been in a band?
nope, but if i was i'd be the drummer

Subscribed to Maxim?
who SUBSCRIBES to maxim?

Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol?
oh... yeah, i forgot about that

Shot a gun?
does a bee-bee gun count?

Had sex today?
damn, i knew i forgot something

Played strip poker?
not yet

Tripped on mushrooms?
not interested

Donated Blood?
once before they told me i can't because i'm gay

Video taped yourself having sex?
not yet

Eaten alligator meat?
once, and it does NOT taste like chicken

Ever jump out of an airplane?
not yet

Have you been to more than 10 countries?
almost, still workin on it. up to 10, more if you count the airport in Iceland...

Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend?
once. and we did. oh wait. twice. and we did.

Have you ever shaved yourself bare?
not shaved so much as trimmed...

Have you ever dressed in drag?
i am not secure enough with my masculinity to do that

If you could be one celebrity for a week, who would it be?
myself, just wait bitches


The world of heterosexual is a sick and boring life!

1 comment:

sm said...

sing it honey!