27 December 2007


check out the fierceness yourself in his last two singles.


EARLY WINTER — Gwen Stefani
DESPABILATE — Anita Tijoux
PERFECT (Radio Edit) — Mason Vs Princess Supserstar
VALERIE — Mark Ronson Feat. Amy Winehouse
CHANGE — Sugababes
WORK THAT — Mary J Blige
CHANTE — Priscilla
SHAKE IT — Metro Station
DESIRE — Darin
PARLE A MA MAIN — Fatal Bazooka Feat. Yelle
SHATTERED DREAMS (Radio Edit) — Sergey
I WON'T BE CRYING — Infernal
OUR SONG — Taylor Swift
PREMIER LOVE — Tony Parker Feat. Rickwell
RULE THE WORLD (Radio Edit) — Take That
DÈS QUE J'TE VOIS — Vanessa Paradis
ME ODIO (Salsa Remix) — Gloria Estefan

16 December 2007


she is back and showing these people what the X-Factor really is! :) xo

05 December 2007


it's all about promo. it's the only way to sell music.

02 December 2007

EPISODE VINGT : i got a plan (get naked)

OUTSIDE i don't really have a plan because this entry has been in draft form since the 20th apparently. thanksgiving was very outside for me this year. i have taken a year or two off before for this holiday from being with my biological family and spending it with my "other" family, i suppose that's what y'all are. but this was the first year it was completely absent. that's because the turkeys in the UK had foot-and-mouth disease this year. or whatever. not that they know the impact this means on this time of year. but i digress... i am thankful for many things in life, mostly for both families mentioned above. this year has been one of healing and recovery really, and preparing myself for the incredible 28 coming up next year! and as "brave" as many people would say my move was/is, i would never have the capability to do it or be who i am if it wasn't for the absolutely amazing people in my life. near and far. most of them far now... but i digress.

THE RICHES i am finally having a life here! SEA SALT is even dearer to me more now than ever, and THE PRINCESS is about ready to pop. i can't wait to babysit! normally, i could, but because this is such a special boy on the way, i'm über excited. the last few weekends have been fabulous. which is really the only way to live. let me tell you. first CHUCKLES visited, and it was such a fun weekend full of adventure and reminiscing. then last weekend i went out with my girls from uni, HUMMOUS GIRL and BEER GIRL. i love everything i do with them, whether it's arguing over linear progression and bernoulli variable types or lecturing HUMMOUS GIRL about breaking up with her crap bf and them stopping from sleeping with not so cute scottish straight men... but i digress. the following evening i went out with THE POSSÉ. we had a blast at ghetto, which really isn't very ghetto at all. and there were lotsa yummies about. damn it's been so long since i've snogged a stranger. but i digress... the following evening i went out again with just MR EYEBROW, this was in order to get my gay ID, which i did! now i can queue jump! :)) which leads us into this weekend where i took BABY GAY out for his first gaystravaganza in the city. it was a low-key nite with the main goal of getting tickets for last nite. WORLD AIDS DAY at G-A-Y Astoria! now let me tell you something. i nearly died when i saw SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR on stage!!!!!!!!!! no joke. it sucks because i have the worst videos and pictures of her from last nite, i just couldn't stop my hand from shaking! she looked stunning as always, though in a not so cute outfit, and sounded beautiful. but she was not all there was to see... it was hosted by Sharon Osbourne, with her daughter Kelly Osbourne, and loads of people perforemd including GIRLS ALOUD (fierce), SUGABABES, GABRIELLE, WESTLIFE and more... it was just fabulous. and BABY GAY was making out the whole time with this muscle boy that he found. i'm so proud.

MILE HIGH oh it's nearing nearly two months since my last shag and with my increase in partying and classes ending this week... no doubt i'll be the holiday slut again. voila! i will be in Paris for new years, which can lead to all sorts of fun! :) i'm very excited to be seeing some great friends there and of course, staying in La Marais. how fabulous! i already am starting to book my next trip though, Barcelona for my birthday! and slowly i will complete my conquests of europe map ;)

MEDLEY get the fuck out! this year was off to a slow start with music. twas nice but not too exciting, and now i'm going to explode. i've been all up in SOPHIE's album again, but now!!! now!!! GIRLS ALOUD and KYLIE have released some of the best pop music of the year! i'm very pleased by KYLIE, that girl just keeps making me smile, but the GIRLS ALOUD surprised me like no tomorrow. such a solid album with TANGLED UP and at the moment my purple iPod shuffle is only playing KYLIE's X and GA's TANGLED UP. which really, there's no higher ranking. apparently due next spring is material from MADONNA, MARIAH CAREY and JANET JACKSON... but i'd have to say these artists don't really excite me too much lately so i'm not getting my hopes up. ironically, as a teenager i was obsessed with all three. how the times have changed!

CLUMSY (Radio Edit) — Fergie
(TANGO) PRINCESSE — Julie Zenatti
LET ME THINK ABOUT IT (Radio Edit) — Ida Carr Vs Fedde Le Grand
CALL THE SHOTS — Girls Aloud
LE DESTIN DE LISA — Alexandra Lucci
TOUCH ME LIKE THAT (Radio Edit) — Dannii Minogue
SHOULDA LET YOU GO — Keyshia Cole (Introducing Amina)
LIP GLOSS — Lil Mama
JUST FINE — Mary J Blige
COEUR SACRÉ — Thierry Amiel
DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME — Kelly Clarkson
AM I DREAMING (Radio Edit) — Kat Deluna
THAT GIRL — Natalie Imbruglia
QUAND REVIENT L'ÉTÉ — Najoua Belyzel
S.O.S. — Jonas Brothers
WHAT I DID LAST NIGHT — Catherine Britt

07 November 2007


05 November 2007


there is a poll at Z100 to help her choose the next single off of BLACKOUT. we each need to do what we can do help those in need. so won't you help britney...
Help Britney

03 November 2007


Taken a picture completely naked?
um, yeah! why am i single?

Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page?
don't do myfacespacebook-ster

Danced in front of your mirror naked?
always before i go out

Told a lie?
define lie...

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
every day. why am i single?!

Been arrested?
not that i can recall

Made out with someone of the same sex?
every day

Seen someone die?
only in movies and on the tele

Slept in until 5pm?
perhaps when i was a youngin

Had sex at work?
define sex...

Fallen asleep at work/school?
yup yup yup

Held a snake?
oh dear yes and i can't remember why

Ran a red light?
define ran...

Been suspended from school?
actually no, i was such a nerd

Totaled your car in an accident?
i think you mean accidentS

Pole danced?
every night! hellooo, i lived in new york

hells no and i'm so proud of cinammon!!!! he hasn't in like 2 years!!!!!

Been fired from a job?
not that i can recall

Sang karaoke?
hells no

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
every day

Laughed until a drink came out your nose?
no, what kind of a question is that?

Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
yup yup yup, yummy

Kissed in the rain?
oh i did more than just kiss

Sang in the shower?
what else does one do in a shower? seriously

Given your private parts a nickname?
um, no

Ever gone out without underwear?
oh yeah, it's nice, i quite like it

Sat on a roof top?
again, lived in new york, i've done more than just sit

Played chicken?
hells fuck no

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
bitch please, not since i was 8 or 9

Broken a bone?
my left upper arm right before my summer of being 17, fabulous

Mooned/flashed someone?
i don't think so, but honestly i can't recall

Shaved your head?
every 3-4 days

Slept naked?
um, every nite, i don't like pajamas

Played a prank on someone?
it's been awhile...

Had a gym membership?

Felt like killing someone?
i'm not a violent person

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
yes, when i broke up with one,
and when another broke up with me, i made him cry

Cried over someone you were in love with?
see above, both times

Had sex more than 10 times in one day?
the record to date is 7, but it's good to have goals!

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?
as if

Been in a band?
nope, but if i was i'd be the drummer

Subscribed to Maxim?
who SUBSCRIBES to maxim?

Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol?
oh... yeah, i forgot about that

Shot a gun?
does a bee-bee gun count?

Had sex today?
damn, i knew i forgot something

Played strip poker?
not yet

Tripped on mushrooms?
not interested

Donated Blood?
once before they told me i can't because i'm gay

Video taped yourself having sex?
not yet

Eaten alligator meat?
once, and it does NOT taste like chicken

Ever jump out of an airplane?
not yet

Have you been to more than 10 countries?
almost, still workin on it. up to 10, more if you count the airport in Iceland...

Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend?
once. and we did. oh wait. twice. and we did.

Have you ever shaved yourself bare?
not shaved so much as trimmed...

Have you ever dressed in drag?
i am not secure enough with my masculinity to do that

If you could be one celebrity for a week, who would it be?
myself, just wait bitches


The world of heterosexual is a sick and boring life!

30 October 2007

EPISODE DIX-NEUF : bizoo d'eskimo

OUTSIDE fabulous parties and good times are still rolling in nyc. i miss it all :( i'm having to get my fix from UGLY BETTY and dvds of SEX AND THE CITY.

THE RICHES so check it. i'm a course rep! i think it's like the first time i won a popularity contest. pffft! but it's a line on my CV and don't require much of me. my peers only voted for me because i'm old and american. apparently that's seen as together and organized or something. how little they know.

MILE HIGH i pulled!! okay obviously the excitement is not that i pulled. but that i pulled an interesting guy, which is rare. on top of it all, hee hee, we did not have sex, because of that weird switch in the back of my head that says "i don't get down on the first nite" IF i am interested in the person. we'll see if i ever hear/see him again. regardless, THE GAY, because we met at G-A-Y BAR, lol. anywyas, he is only like the 3rd person i have ever pulled in london. yes... my skillz don't work well over here. and i'm talking in person, not online. not to mention, he is the first real british man i've pulled ;) represent! i'm so classy, i know.

MEDLEY BLACKOUT is out officially. let's see how the public responds. i'm into it. faves include: TOY SOLDIERS, HEAVEN ON EARTH, PERFECT LOVER, OOH OOH BABY and GET BACK. fierce.

28 October 2007


the american dream.

19 October 2007

EPISODE DIX-HUIT : just fine

OUTSIDE what is outside? i don't know because i'm not even sure what home is anymore. but i know that this makes me happy:

and i got to see WHITE DIAMOND this week at the movie theatre

she makes me so happy

THE RICHES i did. i made it. i'm here. my new "home". far from the riches, i am now back on the student budget and lifestyle with signs of an income off in the future. at the moment, a very distant seeming future. but it's all amazing. i just smile to myself (sometimes on the outside) when i walk around. i live in europe!!! i'm still getting settled, it took me two years to find myself in new york, so no doubt that i must have patience. ha! it's always about patience.
i've started to make friends and i have almost stopped referring to the people in my course as THE CHILDREN and THE KIDS. sometimes they can be extremely juvenile, even for 18 year olds, but here it comes again... PATIENCE. there are some brilliant people and some are really nice. my best mate so far MUSLIM-ISH has been really great. he's helped a lot with my studies and overall helping me adjust to the new culture of things. there's also CYPRUS (obviously from cyprus) who is odd but a cool guy and we bitch together quite well. and naturally, like a moth to a flame, i have befriended all the fine black women in my class. NAY-NAY constantly makes me laugh, and DORA is another study buddy. we make a great team and balance each other. she makes finance make sense and i help her get the computer programming. yes! i'm a nerd again! i kinda missed it. and it's so nice to be using that part of my brain again.
not that i don't miss design. and i did have fun art directing SEA SALT the other week, lol. he made a great logo for a company and i just gave some feedback that we both agreed refined it. ah...

MILE HIGH not so high but i've definitely gone the mile. or kilometer as my british treadmill tells me. scored the hottest israeli (not SEA SALT) and nice firecrotch. but london nite life is taking some adjusting to. everyone goes out in packs, so i'm left feeling the solo wonder. even if i'm not looking to hookup, just dance. i'm the solo dancing queen! but not for long. i made yet another journey through the internet and scored again! not like that... well not yet. i met MR EYE. we have had great times already from bar hopping to SUGABABES at G-A-Y. but now i've met his crew and they are awesome! been out twice with them so far and they are a really really great bunch of mates. (hee hee, i love saying mates.) they have already started inviting me out with them and i don't think they realise how amazing it makes me feel. to be making nice friends. and thank god, people who know how to drink and dance! i won't settle for less.

MEDLEY still love SOPHIE, although now her tour is postponed to MARCH!!! now it's to coincide with a GH. i'm just excited to have even more new music from one of my favourite women. speaking of live acts, the SUGABABES tore it up!!! the album CHANGE is really a great pop album. mind you it's no TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIC and it's not JUST LIKE ME. yes! the KEYSHIA COLE album is out and fucking fierce. keyshia's album is possibly the best album of the year!!! who knew!!! mind you KYLIE MINOGUE is bringin it too! as you saw earlier, 2 HEARTS is f.i.e.r.c.e. and she's not alone! her sister DANNII is tearing up the dancefloor with TOUCH ME LIKE THAT. all this combined with MARY J being JUST FINE (my current theme song) and GIRLS ALOUD raining down more hits with CALL THE SHOTS (this may be their first album i buy!), i'm just on overload of new music. through it all that BRITNEY BITCH made what critics are saying is her best album yet. GIMME MORE is ace and i'm addicted to TOY SOLDIERS, so i may agree but i have to see. sometimes the album can give me a headache. lol.
oh and check out the gorgeous SHAYNE WARD! stop drooling, he's mine bitch.


GIMME MORE (Dirty Radio Version) — Britney Spears
LUCKY — Lucky Twice
DO IT WELL — Jennifer Lopez
TIRED OF BEING SORRY (Radio Edit) — Enrique Iglesias
NO U HANG UP — Shayne Ward
DOUBLE MISE — Willy Denzey [french HighSchoolMusical]
JUST A LITTLE BIT (Radio Edit) — Mutya Buena
I TALK TOO MUCH — Just Jack (feat. Kylie Minogue) [on US iTunes!!!!!!]
HANDLE ME (Radio Edit) — Robyn
SINGLE AGAIN — Trina (feat. Christina Milian)
DON'T YOU WANNA FEEL — Rogue Traders
DARK ROAD — The Annie Lennox
WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO — Bat For Lashes
SO SMALL — Carrie Underwood
BAD DAY — Daniel Powter

28 September 2007


SEXY! NO NO NO... — Girls Aloud
ABOUT YOU NOW — Sugababes
DUEL — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
SECONDE CHANCE (French Version) — Paola & Chiara
THE WAY I ARE (Ft. Tyssem) (French Remix) — Timbaland
GLORIOUS — Natalie Imbruglia
LOLA — Superbus
CAN I GET GET GET — Junior Senior
VOODOO CHILD (Radio Mix) — Rogue Traders
ON A CHANGÉ — Les Déesses
NOW THAT YOU GOT IT (Radio Edit) — Gwen Stefani
יהונתן גטרו — בלילה חם בקיץ
QUI A MÉRITÉ ÇA — Magalie Vaé
WHATEVER YOU LIKE (Ft. T.I.) — Nicole Scherzinger

04 August 2007

this has got to be one of the greatest videos of all time.

29 July 2007

insane... marilyn manson had a child with justin timberlake...

28 July 2007

rihanna not only tears it up with this performance but then she goes and busts up the crowd! respect!

21 July 2007

okay the video is fucking stupid.
but this is the real shit bitches. DANCE! i said DANCE!

why do i feel i've lived these lyrics before? oh wait, because i have.

18 July 2007

oh my goodness! it's PLANET UNICORN!!! i mean UNICORN PLANET!

and the world, is a better place. =)

10 July 2007

EPISODE DIX-SEPT : it's a long hot summer

OUTSIDE the fucking pound and euro are both beating the shit out of the dollar!!! argh!!! it's going to a bumpy ride, that's for sure. but i finally saw HARRY POTTER last nite and it was fabulous. awesome. even despite knowing that the weasley twins are not really firecrotch. blasphemy i tell you!!! still... sexy ron, hermione and harry rocked the casba.

THE RICHES i've got my visa, i've got my ticket, and now i gotta pack some baggage. hot! my summer is finally in full swing, with a big kick off this weekend on FIRE ISLAND (a.k.a. GAY ISLAND). i had an amazing visit with the SEXY ISRAELI (now known as SEA SALT). we wined, we dined, but we did not sixty-nine thank you very much. he's married and i'm a lady. i think SEA SALT really enjoyed himself, i did my best. he also got out to seattle to see the glamorous BOY and G GIRL. hot hot hot. i'm bitter and jealous that i wasn't there, but as sophie says... i can't have it all.

MILE HIGH so i had a fun reunion with FB and another fling, but the real parties will likely be this weekend at gay island. mostly because that's what it's there for. yes yes, i'm looking for something of substance, but i'm 27 and celibacy is just not about to happen. and with 7 weeks left in the country, substance is not really feasible right now. and speaking of getting it on, THE PRINCESS and THE ROCKSTAR are totes creating new life! SEA SALT and i picked up some goodies for her, as gay friends we must make sure she is still fashionable while preggars. and i have to knit away because that due date is approaching fast. i just love love love it when good people procreate. that's the way it should be. ;)

MEDLEY i'm not gonna shut up about SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR yet. the album just gets better and BETTER!!! and i will be seeing her live! yeah! she's so glam, the new video will posted here soon... my top ten will be changing very soon as my playlists are all in a flurry at the moment, but one most take note of the FREEMASON's remix of BEYONCE on GREEN LIGHT. true fierceness... DRAGONETTE have astounded me by having a second single that is somehow even better than the first! TAKE IT LIKE A MAN pays homage to BOOGIE NIGHTS, really, as we all should... and after trying to ignore BEYONCE again, i just can't help but get into a dance off every time a dj plays GET ME BODIED. that shit is a floorfiller... and who knew DARREN HAYES would produce something really good. STEP INTO THE LIGHT has a boring animated video that reminds me of a screensaver, but the song is brilliant. it's a bit trancey and really picks up and hopefully will make an impact in the US, but really i don't care...


::01:: TAKE IT LIKE A MAN — Dragonette
::02:: ME & MY IMAGINATION — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::03:: WAY TO GO — Rogue Traders
::04:: D.A.N.C.E. — Justice
::05:: T'ES PARTI — Shy'm
::06:: NOTHIN' BETTER DO — LeAnn Rimes
::07:: GET ME BODIED — Beyoncé
::08:: STEP INTO THE LIGHT — Darren Hayes
::09:: TODAY THE SUN'S ON US — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::10:: DOUBLE JEU (REMIX) — Christophe Willem

09 July 2007

call me a perv or what you will... but talk about dirty harry. DAMN!

20 June 2007

what the fuck is this?

19 June 2007

BETTER THE DEVIL YOU KNOW : proud gay moments with kylie :))

[1] this is how you BEGIN a concert.... you can skip the first 2 minutes and then respect it. fierce.

[2] this is how you FINISH a concert... so really... this clip is kinda gay... then around 3:20 it gets gayer... then there are jumping air splits and it gets even GAYER... and then there are jazz hands and you'll have to just see how gay kylie can really make things. bless her.

[3] but then of course, this is where it all begins ;) DANCE BITCHES! DANCE!

13 June 2007

EPISODE SEIZE : joyeux anniversaire

OUTSIDE it's anniversaries up the wazoo in my life right now. the month started with my new york anniversary... that day when i bought my first one-way ticket. five years ago! scary and awesome. one of the best things i've ever done in life because i've truly found myself in this city, i am a new yorker. then there was my one year check-up (a.k.a. anniversary) for my Lasik eye surgery. which is one of the top 3 best experiences in my life! a year later and i have 20/15 vision. it's fucking awesome after having glasses and contacts since i was 7. then there's the SEXY ISRAELI's birthday just yesterday, and let me tell you what an eventful day that was! the world changed, and definitely for the better on that day. the end of this month has equally earth shattering anniversaries of SOCO's birth and MY SOULMATE. along with several other friends birthdays... so really if there are a lot of birthday in june... then everyone's parents were getting it on in september. most interesting. ;)

THE RICHES this visa is becoming quite a hassle. it's $200, two and half hours of an online application, and now i need an appointment that seems impossible to get, in order to submit my papers. pffft! it shall be done though.

MILE HIGH talk about racking up the miles. the SEXY ISRAELI is arriving in the US for the very first time next week! i'm so excited to see him and so excited for him. he's not only coming here but then he will be in seattle visiting THE BOY, who is a mutual friend. later in the year the three of us will be together for the first time, the paparazzi will be insane! and will all be in london. sexiness galore... otherwise, i'm starting to get over my recent crush, CALCULUS. he gets that name just because i sit next to him half the time in calculus class, not my best alias but ya know. the class itself is so much fun! i'm loving it. but i also like flirting with him. i mean he's 18 and probably straight, how could i get hurt! seriously, not sure about either yet, but hopefully we're studying together this week-end and i'll be able to "study" and find out more.

MEDLEY after 3 weeks of my iTunes and iPod being stuck on repeat with SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR, i have now been using my shuffle more. oh it has sophie's album on it, but also RIHANNA's new album, HILARY DUFF's album and MYLÉNE FARMER just because. so the CALVIN HARRIS video for THE GIRLS is a little creepy and a little cool. he is uber cute, tall and scottish. which means that there is potential FIRECROTCH there, and i am all up on it. that's all i'm sayin...


::01:: ME & MY IMAGINATION — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::02:: THE GIRLS — Calvin Harris
::03:: WAY TO GO — Rogue Traders
::04:: BALANCE-TOI — Tony Parker
::05:: DOUBLE JEU — Christophe Willem
::06:: T'ES PARTI — Shy'm
::07:: TELL ME WHERE IT HURTS — Garbage
::08:: NOTHIN' BETTER DO — LeAnn Rimes (now on iTunes!)
::09:: SO YOU SAY — Siobhan Donaghy
::10:: STRANGER — Hilary Duff

12 June 2007

"gylenhall's mouth is practically watering the whole movie, shove something in there lee!"

how can you delete that!? HOW!?!
i totes ripped this off cinammon's site. muah!

[ps] i am so fucking seeing this movie this week-end.
...although really i don't know why staten island is a part of new york...

Teen's Family Sues DOE After They Say He Was Harassed Because Of His Name
June 11, 2007

A Staten Island teen says he was tormented so much, he had to change schools – and all because of his name. And his family says it wasn't the students that had the harshest words. NY1’s Lindley Pless filed the following report. Osama Al-Najjar, 16, says before 9/11, he never thought much about his name, but after the attack on the World Trade Center, he says teachers started to single him out. “I was sitting in class at the beginning of the semester and he [the teacher] goes where's Osama? I said right here, and he goes, ‘I thought you’d be in the back of a cave somewhere,” said Al-Najjar.

Before the harassment began, his mother Soud Abuhasna, says he was an honors student at Tottenville High School in Staten Island. She says since then, everything has changed. “Being a Muslim and Arabic is not a crime,” says Abuhasna. He is a good student. He was in a gifted program before he attended that school. And when I had to pull him out of that school, he failed all his subjects.” She says what started to unfold was more than her son could take. “The students in the school were more understanding and accepting than the teachers,” she says. “The teachers are the ones who called him names, like Bin Laden, terrorist. One of the teachers told him not to bother to come to her class, because no matter what he did, he was not going to pass.”

At one point, things took a turn for the worse, and that is when the family decided to hire a lawyer, Omar Mahamadi. “As a direct result of the hostile environment, which was tolerated, condoned and fostered by school administrators at Tottenville High School, Osama attempted to commit suicide,” said Mahamadi. On March 27th, the family filed a lawsuit against the city and the Department of Education. They say they felt they had no choice, since they asked the school to take action to stop the teachers' name-calling and abuse and they did nothing.

Last year, after the suicide attempt, Osama's parents pulled him from the school and moved him to a public high school for troubled teens. They say in the future, they want to make sure there is no tolerance for those teaching that discrimination of any kind is acceptable. “Justice – I want to make sure I wish that what happened to my son should never happen to another kid,” said Abuhasna. The city law department says it's reviewing the case thoroughly.

- Lindley Pless

08 June 2007

something for the lesbians...

05 June 2007

dancing queen... not me. KYLIE. i'm just daydreaming of 2000, when the world was a kinder, better, pinker, more feathery place. and kylie minogue showed everyone at the olympics that really... all you need is feathers and everything is okay.

dozens of fairies dancing around a giant phallic symbol never hurts either ;) camp it up!

03 June 2007

flashback... 2002 and sophie wiggled her way deeper into my heart with this video. i remember it vividely because it's sophie and it is my new york anniversary. i love this city. it is love, life and lust personified. 5 years later and both sophie and nyc still bring it every damn time. swoon...

the first time i watched this, i was in my one month sublet, jobless, lonely, and living out of boxes with no electricity. swoon...

02 June 2007

STATE OF MIND by HOLLY VALANCE just came on the popjustice radio and i'm hit be a wave of how much i love this album. sure it's four years old or so. but it's still damn hot hot hot! then i realize i have never seen the video and have done some research. so sad that this was her last single, grrrr... the world is so hating on popsters. the best things about this video are the song and how much it reminds me of the ever fabulous now defunct favourite watering hole of mine... the late great OPALINE. ahhh... memories... blurry memories... we need more trashy places with great music where beautiful people dance, grind and sing-a-long. is that so much to ask!?

01 June 2007

american idol ain't got nothing on EL FACTOR X! this woman is so motivating and inspiring. check her out on the weight machines at the end! she gives me fever.

31 May 2007

when i say hot, i mean hot. oh yeah, dig the lyrics too ;)

30 May 2007

for those that are not already aware of what a fabulous pop album HILARY DUFF has produced, here is the latest single. ignore that pointless video and listen to the song! now i've never been impressed by the girl, but really, when there's a good pop record, you gotta go for it. the album, DIGNITY, is even on iTunes bitches. my favourite is GYPSY WOMAN.

29 May 2007

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state of mind

nothing too deep or superficial about it, but this is about the way i feel...

03 April 2007

just gotta add to the internet hysteria that is ALANIS MORISETTE covering MY HUMPS. no joke and it's fabulous. tis true, if you are going to go there, then go ALL THE WAY! and she did...

30 March 2007


OUTSIDE you know what the fuck. the british music industry has gone and sued a completely legit online music store, CDWOW. they are fucking dumbasses. for all the piracy and illegal downloads that have cut into their sales, they go and sue a retailer that makes up for 23% of online sales! greedy motherfuckers, that's all i have to say about that... speaking of screwed up companies, Ribena turns out to be a fraud. going around lying abou their nutritional content. i always wondered how food companies determine their nutritional values and who fact-checked it? leave to teenagers to debunk that whole mess. claiming you have EXTRA vitamin C and then having barely any at all? fraudy fraud fraud. PFFFT!... a co-worker (a.k.a. my OFFICE EYE-CANDY) pointed out to me that it seems everytime HALLE BERRY has a movie coming out, she seems to reflect upon some trauma from her past, like attempted suicide after her divorce. love her and all, don't get me wrong. i'm just sayin' what i heard... and BRITNEY signed those divorce papers... NEXT...

THE RICHES for another change. THE RICHES is much more up to date than GREY'S ANATOMY. it is my new favourite show. how can it not be? MINNIE DRIVER!!! EDDIE IZZARD!!! (sans heels, but still) and the gypsy life. not to mention, you can never go wrong criticizing suburban living. ;) as for my real life... not much news really. uni is dicking around and i'm just sorting things out. work is going well. voila...

MILE HIGH as for flying, i'll be visiting SOCO next month in MINNEAPOLIS! i think it'll be really nice. life was a bit more fun with him in it. but you take what you can from your experiences and grow. as for MINNEAPOLIS, the other nite i got hit on by a lovely photographer from there, funny that! we've been playing phone tag and he leaves on monday, but we'll see if i can't have a little tourist fun ;)... these days though, i'm not much for the pursuit. a man's gotta come after me if he's interested. ya know?!

MEDLEY blah blah blah. SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR's album isn't out for another month. but the next single ME AND MY IMAGINATION is out soon and god i love this woman's music... otherwise, the big shocker is HILARY DUFF! little thing went and produced a delightful juicy pop album and it's wonderful. i'm really getting into it and trust me, i never thought that i'd say that about ol' duffy. gotta give it up though DIGNITY is a good album. GYPSY WOMAN is the immediate standout after the singles PLAY WITH FIRE and WITH LOVE. DREAMER and OUTSIDE OF YOU are definite faves too... also should note that RIHANNA and NICOLE SCHERZINGER-ly (from PUSSYCATS) have a groovy duet with WINNING WOMEN...

among the many fabulous wonders of the world, there is the EUROVISION song contest. it's american idol only each country in europe competes. and each country has a smaller competition to determine it's representative. the thing has been around for 50 or so years. L-O-V-E it and all the trashiness that ensues. and truly it's one of the great things that is keeping bubble pop music alive. THANK GOODNESS!!! the competition is 12 May this year, and the UK had one of the best cock-ups when announcing this years winner...

SOOCH is back with a vengeance (of sorts)!!! or is it cindy? no no, it's SCOOCH! too right. what did they do to deserve this honor? well here's the live performance that sealed the deal. it really wasn't fair, they had the best props! ;)

"can i get you anything to suck on?"

::01:: OUT OF CONTROL — Mutya Buena with Groove Armada
::02:: WASTED — Carrie Underwood
::03:: GIRLFRIEND (French Version) — Avril Lavigne
::04:: WITH LOVE — Hilary Duff
::05:: PARTONS VITE — Kaolin (on US iTunes!!!)
::06:: I GET AROUND — Dragonette
::07:: CATCH YOU — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::09:: HOLLYWOOD — Jay-Z ft. Beyoncé
::10:: SETTLIN' — Sugarland
::08:: RIEN N'EST COMME AVANT — Hélène Segara

21 March 2007


i heart the 90s and this little tidbit is just a wonderful piece of girl power :D

18 March 2007


finally!!! when i was in rome 2 years ago, i was chilling in the hotel room for a bit and came across this brilliant show AMICI. it's american idol tri-factor. each round they have to sing, or dance, or act, or cry. it's incredible. family members are brought out. and i fell for this one guy ANTONELLO CAROZZA. beautiful voice, amazin dancer. and for one round he was the last to dance, only to turn around and be first on the next round to sing! bitch brought it! short of breathe, he brought it good! and FINALLY i've found him online and ordered his CD that came out last year. i never found him because i was spelling his name incorrectly. pffft! but in my cleaning frenzy this weekend, i found my souvenirs from italy and a paper with songs and singers i liked that i had heard. so here is a clip of one of his AMICI performances:

gratsi gratsi gratsi!
he's adorable to boot! and this show is so great. i don't know a word of italian and got sucked in for 2 hours before i had realized What The Fuck Am I Watching TV For In Rome?! and ran out to be amidst some ancient ruins. i heart ROME.

05 March 2007

EPISODE TREIZE : i will always love you

OUTSIDE as if there weren't enough reasons to spit on ANN COULTER, now the bitch calls JOHN EDWARDS a faggot... but in other news, apparently snap decisions are sometimes the best. the University College London found that making snap decisions is more reliable in certain situations than using rational thought processes. you know like when dreamgirls comes on in a bar and you know it's time to flame on!

GREY'S ANATOMY i'm moving to london. a ton of paperwork to go through and everything, but i accepted the offer at City University of London. AHHH!!! i'm so excited. now i have to focus. AHHH!!! it's good, it's great, i'm thrilled about this endeavor. AHHH! so much to do! housing, loans, scholarships, visas, packing, studying, and that whole countdown thing. 5 months!

MILE HIGH what a funny little weekend. between the parties which involved me pointing out to everyone who it is that i wanted to fuck, to emails with MON EX-COPAIN that finally closed the door. yeah it was funny. so i've ended all communications with the ex, along with deleting old voicemails, removing old postcards and throwing out old souvenirs. not all. some stuff is in a shoebox which will be thrown out at some later date, yet you have to hold on to them for some sentimental reason. but you always tape the box closed, just in case you ever get drunk and casually eye the idea of opening said shoebox. alas, c'est tous. it's just time. i'm tired of being crazy and am ready to move on.

MEDLEY there has been a leak... huh?! supposed song EXCUSE MY FRENCH by KYLIE. only a 1,20 clip but hmmm... i wanna know if it's her or not. otherwise, damn JAY-Z and BEYONCÉ for hooking me on their new track. ARGH!!!


::01:: Partons Vite — Kaolin (on US iTunes!!!)
::02:: Walk This Way — Sugababes Vs. Girls Aloud
::03:: Catch You — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::04:: Settlin' — Sugarland
::05:: Tant Que J'Existerai — Natasha St-Pier
::06:: Hollywood — Jay-Z ft. Beyoncé
::07:: All My Friends Say — Luke Bryan
::08:: It's All True — Tracey Thorn
::09:: Last Dollar (Fly Away) — Tim McGraw
::10:: Des Rails — Zazie

22 February 2007

EPISODE DOUZE : walk this way

GREY'S ANATOMY the school saga continues and it hasn't even started yet! pffft! but i've spoken to the actuary and have a direction. that's always a good thing. i'm feeling good and excited. despite the fact that now my new life is 6 months away and i'm scared shitless. keep on truckin... the birthday and the funeral was as weird as it sounds to combine. seeing most of my close family and being in my hometown (ain't been in miami in 2 years) was just as weird but kinda good. however with the combined would-be anniversary avec mon ex-copain, i totes shut down internally. just couldn't take it all. but last weekend helped me a lot and i'm feeling decent.

MILE HIGH this last weekend was in boston, which i just find to be so cute. i visited THE GRADUATE with MR. MARTHA and it was just lovely. spending some QT with good friends and relaxing a bit. even got to the gym. phew! but also did some shopping damage, ouch... and sadly this coming weekend i lose another, yet a-fucking-nother. SOCO is off to minneapolis. i'm retarded so i'm sure i'll cry at some point next week, because it's just not set in yet. i'm not even that attached, i suppose knowing that him or i would be leaving the city soon anyways. and we've only known each other for 4 months. but we instantly hit it off and he is someone i will never forget. and the supportive relationship that he's provided is just what i needed after the breakup. just to remind myself that there is always more out there. nothing is ever over. and you can't give up. the whole point of life is to live... okay back to something fun!

MEDLEY the theme song to MILE HIGH (the world is mine by HOOVERPHONIC) is brilliant, love it, smile it, BE IT!... the new PUSSYCAT DOLLS song with SHAGGY called DONT ASK HER THAT, is very nice. typical PCD and you can't go wrong with that. DOWN WITH LOVE is the new bside to SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTORs new single and it is one of her best songs! this shit is sooooo brilliant, l-o-v-e-i-t!!! and it's not as bitter as it sounds. "take it all in, let it all out. somethings you just can't live without. and when you're down with love, there ain't no cure at all." TA-RUE!!!... otherwise... MACY GRAY is FINALLY MADE HAPPY and it makes me happy, delightful tune :)... CHILLI of TLC with MISSY ELLIOTT have brought it with a stomper on STRIAGHT JACK, it's ghetto and good but i hope CHILLI tears it up with her solo material. her voice is as beautiful as her body. IMO... and finally ITS ALL TRUE by TRACEY THORN of EBTG is damn mofo catchy. it will be charting, that's for sure. 80s twinge and it's stuck in your head. so 2007 is hitting the floor running with music, let's hope it keeps up. 2006 (pronounced two thousand sex) was quite a hot year!


::01:: Catch You — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::02:: Des Rails — Zazie
::03:: White Diamond [Live] — Kylie Minogue
::04:: Devant Soi — Mylène Farmer
::05:: Briser Mes Chaînes — Sofiane
::06:: Walk This Way — Sugababes Vs. Girls Aloud
::07:: Partons Vite — Kaolin (on US iTunes!!!)
::08:: All My Friends Say — Luke Bryan
::09:: Lil' Star — Kelis
::10:: With Every Heartbeat — Kleerup feat. Robyn

10 February 2007

CHANGE i just have to build the hype. there is potential, POTENTIAL for this country's first african-american president! no matter how far he may get in the running, or even if he becomes president. the significance, that he is taken as a serious candidate! BARACK OBAMA is a good man and i am hoping for the best this next election. whoo hoo!

09 February 2007

EPISODE ONZE : l'amour, la mort

OUTSIDE another cultural icon is gone. and whatever may be, i didn't hate her and she lived life. ANNA NICOLE SMITH had her moment and her death is tragic. here is a mock of her tv show, that is one of her higher moments...

in other news, Italy has now joined the loving ranks of Canada, Spain, South Africa, Belgium, the UK and some others, becoming that much closer to allowing same-sex marriages. this US of mine can really get frustrating at times. grrr... much like my beloved NYC when they arrest protestors and forget our favoured civil rights. pffft!

GREY'S ANATOMY playing phone/email tag with the british actuary is leaving me really frustrated. i've almost concluded which school i will attend but i just want his thoughts to... i guess comfort me and support my decision. alas, it is MY decision. and i'll be filing my income taxes this weekend, which then means, pick a school and apply for FAFSA and the money hunt begins. argh... but work work is going quite well. i'm learning, which is always the best... my sad note is not only anna died yesterday, but my uncle as well. he was deteriorating, and it's good that he has no more pain. i love him and my aunt and will be flying back to miami this weekend to spend my birthday at his funeral. if i believed in symbolism, i might see something in that...

MILE HIGH so the more interesting bits lately have been that THE PRINCESS and THE ROCKER where in town to celebrate THE ROCKER's birthday last weekend. L-O-V-E them! it was a crazy weekend and many fabulous events. THE PRINCESS is definitely one of the most special people i've had in my life and playing host to them was an honor for me... speaking of loved ones even more, SOCO is leaving, like most of those i get close to, he is running away. seriously, it's for the best because this is a great career move for him. so we are down to our last two weeks... deux semaines... what is a girl to do?! :( on the emotional front, as you can see there's a lot. aging, death, lost loves, including the fact that my birthday is also the would-be anniversary with mon ex-copain... which will wonderfully be quickly followed by valentine's day. which i'm not a fan of, and last year was the first year it was ever significant for me. i've moved on a lot and grown a lot. LOADS. but there is still pain. and more importantly, love...

MEDLEY so... music music music... much like NSYNC, there is a new guilty pop sin for me. SUGABABES have combined with the powers of GIRLS ALOUD and covered the song WALK THIS WAY for charity. dear god it's awful. and i fucking love it! at least right now. it's camptastic fun and truthfully if you LOVE... and i do mean LOVE pop music. you cannot help but like this song no matter how awful it is. you have to at least bare through to the middle of the video where the have a fucking WALK OFF!!! nothing like dual runway walk off. BRING IT!

25 January 2007

EPISODE DIX : fuck the pain away

OUTSIDE well you know, somebody has to have standards. and apparently when it comes to fashion and models, it's the british.

GREY'S ANATOMY work is shaping up. it's definitely keeping me busy and that's a great thing. it's good work stress and not too much stress. at least at this point. the people are great and i'm enjoying what i do. always learning, always growing. as for school, no comment. i will make a decision in the next week or so, and then it really begins.

MILE HIGH so for the parental advisory section, i have to be more with the times in my heading. and MILE HIGH is the great show that i've just gotten into. yes, as MR. MARTHA STEWART points out, it is over a year in the running, but still... it's new to me and still has new episodes. so it's current! you should check it out on BBC AMERICA ON DEMAND. anyhoot... all the booze and sex since my breakup have helped and i feel it's time to take my life back. blah blah, pathetic, but i'm healing and that's that. oh there will still be booze and sex, and anyone who i may date or whatnot will have to understand that my heart is not mine to give. but i'm ready for it to not all be meaningless. you know exactly what i mean. which is why i had to give a shot out to PEACHES, for her brilliant zen-like understanding, that really, yes really, sometimes you have to FUCK THE PAIN AWAY. it's a song, buy it on itunes.

MEDLEY i'll hold off on more SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR talk until she is actually in the UK top 40 again, cuz she will be. but i am so happy with the new MYLÈNE FARMER song, i'm liking it more and more... and although i'm not in love with the album, thanks to CINAMMON's ranting and ranting and ranting and raving over KELIS WAS HERE, i've started listening to it again. it's too many tracks (16!!!), but as always she brings it and there are some really strong songs on there. i do like her quite a bit. i mean i am one of the few and proud that own all 3 of her albums... so the song will never be popular enough with me to make it in the top 10. but SIOBHAN DONAGHY was the first SUGABABE to leave the group, and i still enjoy her sound, it's quite different. and this is just a pleasant new video for her new single.

::01:: Catch You — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::02:: With Every Heartbeat — Kleerup feat. Robyn
::03:: Des Rails — Zazie
::04:: Built For Bluejeans — Tyler Dean
::05:: Vivre Avec Toi — Lionel Tim
::06:: Lock U Down — Mya feat. Lil Wayne
::07:: Devant Soi — Mylène Farmer
::08:: Femme De Couleur — Shy'm
::09:: Tellement Beau — Chimene Badi
::10:: Mon Pays — Faudel

18 January 2007

EPISODE NEUF : mon pays

OUTSIDE GATORS ARE #1!!! don't know why i care, but it's fun and cool and i love my school. oh... so don't put milk in your tea ;)

GREY'S ANATOMY my new job is really cool so far. still getting used to the weekly and everything, but it's really nice and i think i'm gonna have a lot of fun. and isn't that what it's all about? plus i'm working on a PC again, fascinating... alors, i am deciding between schools, argh! i've clearly narrowed it down to two... at the moment it's looking like SOUTHAMPTON, but i'm stirring on it until the end of the month. i'm trying to weigh out all the benefits and it just seems that i should bite the bullet and not just go to CITY because it's in LONDON. too many factors... then the financial search begins, pffft!

SEX AND THE CITY well like a recovering addict. i am finally closing the door on mon ex-copain. NOT locking it. but for the first time i have not responded to his email or instant message. i will one day, but for now my heart still races when i see his name and i have to move on. even if i don't want to. and i really don't want to still. but i'm not looking back, it's the only way. actually, WITH EVERY HEARTBEAT by KLEERUP is really helping. with lyrics like, "and i don't look back, though i'm crying with every step i take" & "and it hurts with every heartbeat". all set to an electro buzz, how is that not healing?

MEDLEY fucking love CATCH YOU by SOPHIE!!! and 4 more tracks have leaked from the album. this is totes gonna be the album of the year for me in 2007. the only thing that i imagine stands a chance of being better is if kylie releases hers this year as well. and a new MYLÈNE FARMER song is out! from some soundtrack and i'm loving it so far. DEVANT SOI... in front of you. il faut que je voir cela femme en concert! i think that's how you say it? pffft! my current top 3 artists all producing new material... and it's turning out great so far. bring on 2007!!!


::01:: Catch You — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::02:: With Every Heartbeat — Kleerup feat. Robyn
::03:: Built For Bluejeans — Tyler Dean
::04:: Vivre Avec Toi — Lionel Tim
::05:: Femme De Couleur — Shy'm
::06:: Lock U Down — Mya feat. Lil Wayne
::07:: Le Sand Chaud — Lââm
::08:: I Go Crazy [Guiseppe D.'s Radio Mix] — DHT
::09:: Des Rails — Zazie
::10:: 1980 — Pascal Obispo [feat. Mélissa Mars]

08 January 2007

EPISODE HUIT : divide and conquer 2007


OUTSIDE you all know already, sadam is dead... then there's the SHOT SHOW [for all things gun and bullet related], in orlando this weekend... and on the bright end of things, University of Florida is in the college football champs!!! despite some criticisms SI : Why Gators Will Lose To Ohio i stand by my boys.

GREY'S ANATOMY my last day with my current freelance gig is this friday. voila! the better news is that i have my next gig! and it's at a lovely trade publication. a weekly, eek! but i'm very excited. fun creative and interesting. and it looks to be my final creative gig, as i'll be there until my move [or hop across the pond if you will] in september. on the school front. no news. still waiting to here from 3. and i can't decide between my top 2. i'm stirring on it til the end of the month. because i'm waiting this month to also not only file taxes, but my freakin FAFSA, pffft! the only thing i can hope for from it is a $1000 stafford loan. but ya know, gotta take what you can get. 2007 i've decided, after a debaucherous new year beginning... is going to be all about DIVIDE AND CONQUER. not really sure how it applies or how to interpret it. but it makes me feel agressive and ready, and at a time when i feel so divided and scared, that's hot!

SEX AND THE CITY hee hee... it's been way too long for this section and i don't wanna cover it really. let's just say i had my ode to kylie with an aussie fling... got my kiss on new years [note to self : don't make out with shorts guys while standing!]... and the year has started out with a drink everyday and making more bartender friends ;)

MEDLEY where to begin, Where to begin! SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR is back in full force. you can check out all the greatness at the official website. the video will be released to TV next week and it looks hot, her running around venice and all. until then the link at the top is of her first live performance, during new year's eve... i finally got the video for my last #1 of 2006 and first 2007. the vid is cheesy and stupid, but the set is cool and of course the song is fabulous :)) on the french musique front, ZAZIE has a new single DES RAILS and it is very cool, very zazie. MYA is releasing LOCKDOWN with has grown on me, total mya cuteness. and after over 10 years, i finally have an mp3 of this russian song that i loved and had on cassette. i just never knew how to spell her name in english until i talked music with the russian waiter at good ol' Posh ;) her name is Светлана Львовна Гейман [Svetlana Lyvovna Geiman a.k.a. LINDA] and the song is Мало огня [Malo Ognya/Not Enough Fire]... and for closing, KYLIE's current SHOWGIRL HOMECOMING TOUR is now released as a LIVE CD!!! and we can all finally enjoy that wonderful new song WHITE DIAMONDS... =)


::01:: 1980 — Pascal Obispo [feat. Mélissa Mars]
::02:: Catch You — Sophie Ellis-Bextor
::03:: With Every Heartbeat — Kleenus feat. Robyn
::04:: Le Sand Chaud — Lââm
::05:: Built For Bluejeans — Tyler Dean
::06:: Vivre Avec Toi — Lionel Tim
::07:: With You — Janet Jackson
::08:: I Go Crazy (Guiseppe D's Radio Edit) — DHT
::09:: A Feelin' Like That — Gary Allan
::10:: Beware Of The Dog — Jamelia